Route setter of the Polish Mountaineering Association (PZA) since 2012. He’s a certified Class II Trainer in Sport Climbing. He’s been climbing uninterruptedly since 2000. During this time, he took part in numerous Polish Cups and several dozen climbing trips. Currently, he’s trying to use all his experience in his work as a constructor and instructor. In 2019, he gained his first route setting experience at the international arena by participating in training during Youth World Championships in Arco and then European Bouldering Championships in Zakopane.
Rocks: 8b RP - Racomelo, Kalymnos, Grecja 8b RP - Morchi, Leonidio, Grecja 8b RP - Orion, Leonidio, Grecja 8b RP - A pig in the roof, Leonidio, Grecja VI.6/6+ RP - Filar Pochylca, I ty możesz zostać orłem, Pochylec, Polska VI.6 RP - Fałszywy Prorok, Pochylec, Polska
Bouldering: 7C+ RP - Du cote de Seshuan, Magic Wood, Szwajcaria
Competitions: 3rd in Polish Bouldering Cup 2017, Poznań
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