I’ve been climbing since 2004. The beginnings were in high school in Gdansk. I started at the Klub Baltica climbing club under the watchful eye of Eliza Kugler. I then started taking part in competitions and going on my first trips in the rocks. After graduating from high school, I came to the conclusion that a climber has nothing to do in Gdańsk so I moved to Krakow to study and I stayed here ;). For a couple of years, I took part in bouldering and lead climbing competitions, I even managed to reach the finals from time to time. I always liked rocks more, though ;). Now, I climb mainly outdoors. I love visiting odd and little-known places both in Poland and abroad. So-called “rocks for connoisseurs” are what I like :).
I managed to send a couple of more difficult routes in the rocks, among which I must mention:
Shock the Monkey VI.5+/6
Pobicie Tytanów VI.5+/6
Powitanie Wiosny VI.5+/6
Fałszywy Prorok VI.6
Hipertrofia treningowa VI.6
Czekając na Godoffa VI.6 and a couple of VI.5+s and a lot of VI.5s (my beloved grade)
When I’m abroad, I like to climb onsight (my best OS is 7c) and fast RP (my best RP is 8a).
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